1-1 Practice

Here at MOX we believe movement and flow practice is designed to serve YOU (not the other way around!). Sometimes finding or reconnecting with your practice means the need for little extra attention from a trusted movement mentor. Do you connect with any of the statements below? If yes, reach out and let’s chat about how a 1-1 session could help!

I want to do that cool thing! There are these poses I keep hearing called out in classes and I am just not sure how to approach them.

1-1 sessions can allow you to work on specific areas, poses, or transitions you want to improve. Sessions can be tailored to your individual movement goals.

Group classes just aren’t the right fit for me right now.

We get it, coming into a crowded room with lots of other people is sometimes just not what you need or maybe your schedule just doesn’t seem to be aligning with ours.  A 1-1 session gives you more privacy and allows you to tailor the environment and time to your needs.

I have a nagging injury/ I am just getting back into practice after a break, injury, or surgery.

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

I have never done this movement/flow thing before.

Awesome! You have what we try to cultivate here at MOX - a beginner’s mind. 1-1 sessions can be a great way to introduce yourself to something new and will help you build confidence to continue to tackle new things in a group class environment. 

fall in love with movement again.